Fractions, Decimals and Percentages A is the perfect place to start learners becoming fluent in fractions, decimals and percentage equivalence. This worksheet is designed to gradually take students through using equivalent fractions to find the corresponding percentages and decimals.
Section A is all about converting tenths. Students fill the gaps in fractions, decimals and percentage equivalents and will be encouraged to find patterns and links between all three as they progress. Section B moves learners on to finding hundredths in all three forms. The format follows from section A to allow the same pattern spotting to continue and deepens understanding further.
In section C students have the chance to articulate the reasoning behind equivalence whilst evaluating a pair of simultaneous statements. Lastly, section D introduces the common fractions of 1⁄2, 1⁄4, 1⁄8 and 3⁄4.