About Us
Our history
Teaching is incredibly rewarding but it’s no secret that it can also be very challenging at times.
Cazoommaths.com started in 2013 when a UK maths teacher went on a mission, a mission to help teachers save time. We are now a small team dedicated to creating and improving our range of differentiated and well-organised Maths resources which teachers, parents and students can download in no time.
The site has developed quite a bit since those early days and we are proud to now have over 50,000 subscribers around the world. We cover the UK and US (common core state standards) curriculums…. and with Australia and Canada coming soon too 😊
- A range of over 1,000 mathematics worksheets and resources.
- An ever-growing collection – new resources added regularly.
- Every lesson differentiated. Guaranteed.
- We follow research-led proven strategies.
- Each sheet is built unique with bespoke design.
- We cover the UK and US mathematics curriculums.
We help by providing straightforward and easy to understand Maths resources which follow what can be a rather confusing National Curriculum. The worksheets can be browsed either by topics or by year group / grade, making it easy to find the resource you are looking for.
Our resources are suitable for teachers, parents and students, just take a look through our range and contact us link if you have any queries.
Meet the (fictional!) Cazoom Maths family below:

Liam is the new guy, he’s a cool dude. Liam proves that you can be cool and still enjoy maths. Forget making “maths is cool” posters on your first day of school, just speak to Liam instead, he’ll tell you.
Sasha is Caz’s girlfriend. They have been dating for a week now. All innocent stuff I’m told. They spent their first date doing a Cazoom colouring sheet together!
Caz is our main man. Well, boy. Even though he looks a bit like an alien, he’s 100% real, I kid you not. He dreams of having his face on our sticker range to encourage fellow kids to try as hard as they can on our Cazoom Maths Worksheets.
Sachin is a quiet lad. He is an expert at mental maths. He’s asked the Cazoom team to develop mental maths sheets so he can get even better. We love our family and listen to all their needs, so mental maths sheets are coming soon!
Mr Teacher
Between planning lessons and enjoying Friday pub night with the other teachers, Mr Teacher pretty much depends on Cazoom now. Mr Teacher uses Cazoom Maths Worksheets to differentiate his lessons effortlessly. His students (above) give him great feedback and at the end of term he received more than a few apples for his efforts!
Chloe is rather posh, she made a personal request to her school head mistress to buy Cazoom Maths Worksheets for her school. The head mistress has since told us that she especially loves the starter worksheets and wants us to create more, we’re on it ma’am, would you like tea with that?
…Our family is growing
You’ll see new faces added to our family over the years. They typically spend most of their time as Cazoom Maths Worksheets watermarks. They represent cultural and mathematical diversity. Some of our characters are really quick at maths, they make quick progress, and some take a little longer, but no matter what, in the Cazoom Maths family they all feel safe.
We recognise that challenge is a part of learning. All our kids get a sense of achievement because regardless of what their teacher (Mr Teacher) gives them to do, it’s always something they enjoy whilst also being something with an appropriate level of challenge. Our family is an all-inclusive one, will you join us?