KS3 and KS4 3D Shapes Worksheets

Cazoom Maths offers a great range of 3D Shapes worksheets for students in secondary school. Our printable PDF 3D shapes worksheets cover Nets, isometric drawings, plans, elevations, and much more. We also cover solid shapes and other related topics, like recognising prisms! We’ve provided the best possible resources for studying 3D shapes. We have also provided the formulas for the volume of various 3D shapes such as cones, pyramids, cuboids, and spheres. These resources are aimed at students in KS3 and each 3D shapes worksheet comes with answers so you can check on how the student is progressing.


If you are hoping to help your students excel at KS3 Geometric shapes, our collection of 3D shape worksheets are perfect for use in any teaching setting. With answers included and available in an easy-to-download PDF format, these geometry worksheets include lots of practice questions that make understanding complex geometry topics both fun and straightforward.

What are 3D Shapes?

The 3D shape is a solid shape. It is distinct from flat 2D figures and has length, width, and height. Key examples include:

  • Sphere: Sphere is ball-like solid shape, uniformly round without edges. Just like a football or a tennis ball!
  • Cone: Cone is like an Ice cream cone-shaped, with a pointed tip and flat base.
  • Cuboid: A Cuboid is a box-shaped, six rectangular face, just like a cereal box.
  • Triangular Prism: Triangular Prisms are tent-like, with two triangular ends and three rectangular sides. 
  • Square-based Pyramid: Square-based Pyramids are like the Egyptian pyramids, with square bases with four converging triangular sides.
  • Cube: Cubes are dice-like, with six equal square faces.
  • Tetrahedron: Tetrahedron has four equilateral triangular faces, resembling a three-sided pyramid.
  • Cylinder: A cylinder is can or drum-like, with two parallel circular faces connected by a curved surface.


Understanding The Concept Of 3D Shapes

3D shapes are objects that exist in the space around us, having length, breadth, and height, unlike 2D shapes which are flat and only have two dimensions. Think of a 3D shape as something you can pick up and hold, like a ball or a box, objects that occupy space in the real world.

Use of 3D Shapes in Real Life

The 3D shape, just like another solid shape, is all around us and part of our daily life. Cones are like traffic or ice cream cones, spheres are like balls, and boxes are usually cuboids. Tents often look like triangular prisms, and pyramids and kids’ blocks are like cubes. Cans are shaped like cylinders. Knowing these shapes helps us understand the world better as well as solve complex geometry riddles in real life.