
Adding and Subtracting Decimals Column Templates 

Adding and Subtracting Decimals Column Templates  Resource (Free Download)

Suitable for Year groups: 5, 6, 7

Adding and Subtracting Decimals Column Templates  resource description

Here are 12 blank column addition or subtraction templates to use with decimal numbers. An ideal aid for pupils struggling with the alignment of numbers in this method.

Adding and Subtracting Decimals Column Templates

What is the resource?

This PDF provides columns with decimal points pre-aligned.  Best for learners practising these procedures (upper primary or early secondary).


Why are decimals in calculations important?

Life isn't all whole numbers - decimal calculations impact countless daily tasks:

  • Handling money: Budgeting, prices per unit weight... making sense of these relies on decimal addition/subtraction.
  • Measurement & DIY: Following length scales on rulers, figuring out materials quantity – decimals again!
  • Science & data: Even simple experiments rely on reading instruments accurately in decimal format.
  • Builds computation fluency: Understanding how to handle 'pieces' lays the groundwork for later fractions, division other related topics.

Why is this resource helpful?

The simple 'column' format is powerful, it gives practice while preventing a key source of errors:

  • Focus on the method itself: Kids master the carrying rules without the extra stress of lining up digits right first.
  • Supports neatness: Rows provided create a 'box' effect - less messy work leads to fewer careless mistakes.
  • Differentiate easily: Teachers control the difficulty of numbers included, so grids help ALL kids improve.
  • Printable PDFs: Ideal for the whole class practice where every pupil sees identical problems to discuss later.

Decimals stop feeling 'scarier'. Learners see success early & gain confidence when tackling more complex word problems in real-life contexts.



Also, have a look at our wide range of worksheets that are specifically curated to help your students practice their skills related to decimals. These teaching resources and worksheets are in PDF format and can be downloaded easily.



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